Now that we can pull a container from OpenShift and move it to an edge node via Ansible Automation, let’s repeat the process with a new release using the artifacts that we created.
In your browser & in a new tab, connect to the Red Hat OpenShift console
Select Pipelines in the left menu
Click the 3 veritcal dots next to the far right of the edge pipeline
Click Edit Pipeline and then change GIT_REVISION from "release1" to "release2" and hit [Start]:
release2 |
Once the deploy is complete, you will see that the edge workload on Red Hat OpenShift is on release2
Select Topology in the left menu
While the edge workload on the edge node is on release1
Now on your own, log into Ansible Tower and rerun the Field container to edge node template by pressing the rocket to field release2 to the edge - Red Hat Enterprise Linux system
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