Exercise 2.0 - Installing Ansible Tower

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Exercise Description

In this exercise, we are going to get Ansible Tower installed on your control node.

Step 1: Change directories

Change directories to /tmp

cd /tmp

Step 2: Download Red Hat Ansible Tower

Download the latest Ansible Tower package

curl -O https://releases.ansible.com/ansible-tower/setup/ansible-tower-setup-3.7.3-1.tar.gz

Step 3: Untar and unzip the package file

tar xvfz /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-3.7.3-1.tar.gz

Step 4: Change directories

Change directories into the Ansible Tower setup package

cd /tmp/ansible-tower-setup-*/

Step 5: Open inventory file

Using an editor of your choice, open the inventory file

vim inventory

Step 6: Identify variables

Fill out a couple of variables in the inventory file, admin_password and pg_password. Also, fill in the web_server_ssl_cert and web_server_ssl_key fields, and uncomment both, as shown:

localhost ansible_connection=local




pg_sslmode='prefer'  # set to 'verify-full' for client-side enforced SSL

# Isolated Tower nodes automatically generate an RSA key for authentication;
# To disable this behavior, set this value to false
# isolated_key_generation=true

# SSL-related variables

# If set, this will install a custom CA certificate to the system trust store.
# custom_ca_cert=/path/to/ca.crt

# Certificate and key to install in nginx for the web UI and API

# Server-side SSL settings for PostgreSQL (when we are installing it).
# postgres_use_ssl=False
# postgres_ssl_cert=/path/to/pgsql.crt
# postgres_ssl_key=/path/to/pgsql.key

Step 7: Run setup

Run the Ansible Tower setup script

sudo ./setup.sh
Step 7 will take approx. 10-15 minutes to complete. This may be a good time to take a break.

Step 8: Confirm results

At this point, your Ansible Tower installation should be complete. You can access your Tower workshop using the URL below:


Ensuring Installation Success

You know you were successful if you are able to browse to your Ansible Tower’s url (control node’s IP address) and get something like this

ansible lab figure01 logon screen
Figure 2: Ansible Tower Login Screen

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