Enter the Promote to STAGE below into your pipeline.
We set an approval to promote to the application to the Stage Project. The approval process is a good feature for various gates of your deployments. We also set a 15 minute timeout on the approval. You also tag the tasks image with latest and the version from the pom file.
In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit
Append the text below to the bottom of the Jenkins Pipeline Configuration. Please make sure to append to the beginning of the next line.
stage('Promote to STAGE?') {
steps {
timeout(time:15, unit:'MINUTES') {
input message: "Promote to STAGE?", ok: "Promote"
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.tag("${env.DEV_PROJECT}/tasks:latest", "${env.STAGE_PROJECT}/tasks:${version}")
Add the Deploy Stage into your pipeline.
If the deployment config for the application already exists in the Stage Project or Environment the deployment config , service, and route are deleted. This allows for the pipeline to be rerun.
The new-app is recreated in the Stage Environment from the image that you tagged in the previous stage. The image also has a route created for with the svc.expose command.
In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit
Append the text below to the bottom of the Jenkins Pipeline Configuration. Please make sure to append to the beginning of the next line.
stage('Deploy STAGE') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject(env.STAGE_PROJECT) {
if (openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').exists()) {
openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').delete()
openshift.selector('svc', 'tasks').delete()
openshift.selector('route', 'tasks').delete()
Congratulations, this should be the final step in your Trusted Software Supply Chain. Go on to the next lab to verify and run the pipeline.
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