Exercise 1.0 - Configuring Ansible Tower

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Exercise Description

In this exercise, we are going to configure Red Hat Ansible Tower, so that we can run a playbook.

There are a number of constructs in the Ansible Tower UI that enable multi-tenancy, notifications, scheduling, etc. However, we are only going to focus on the key concepts required for this workshop today.

  • Credentials

  • Projects

  • Inventory

  • Job Template

Section 1: Logging into Ansible Tower and installing the license key

Step 1: Log in

To log in, use the username admin and and the password provided by your instructor.

ansible lab figure01 logon screen
Figure 3: Ansible Tower Login Screen

Section 2: Review credentials

Credentials are utilized by Ansible Tower for authentication when launching jobs against machines, synchronizing with inventory sources, and importing project content from a version control system.

There are many types of credentials including machine, network, and various cloud providers. In this workshop, we are using a machine credential.

Step 1: View Available Credentials

Select CREDENTIALS, from the left-side menu bar. Cred

You will see a lit of credentials, like the following:

at cred list
Figure 4: Ansible Tower Credentials

Step 2: View credential attributes

Click the pencil icon Cred to access the details of the Workshop Credential credential. Redundant, aren’t we?

Figure 5: Reviewing a Credential

Step 3: Cancel

Scroll down, and review the rest of the credential data:

Figure 6: Reviewing a Credential, continued

Select Cancel to exit.

Section 3: Reviewing a Project

A Project is a logical collection of Ansible playbooks, represented in Ansible Tower. You can manage playbooks and playbook directories, by either placing them manually under the Project Base Path on your Ansible Tower server, or by placing your playbooks into a source code management (SCM) system supported by Ansible Tower, including Git, Subversion, and Mercurial.

Step 1: Open a project

Select Projects from the left-side menu.

Step 2: Review the list of projects

Review the list of projects, and then click on Ansible Workshop Project, to see what it contains:

Figure 7: Project List

Step 3: View the Project Form

Review the details of the project:

Figure 8: Reviewing a Project

Step 4: Cancel

Select Cancel to exit.

Section 4: Reviewing an Inventory

An inventory is a collection of hosts, against which jobs may be launched. Inventories are divided into groups and these groups contain the actual hosts.

Groups may be sourced manually, by entering host names into Ansible Tower, or from one of Ansible Tower’s supported cloud providers.

An Inventory can also be imported into Ansible Tower using the tower-manage command. This is how we are going to add an inventory for this workshop.

Select Inventories from the left-side menu.

Step 2: Review the inventory list

Figure 9: Inventory List

Step 3: Complete the Inventory form

Click on Ansible Workshop Inventory to see the details of the inventory:

Figure 10: Inventory Details

You can click on Hosts to see the list of hosts:

Figure 11: Inventory Hosts

You can click on Groups to see the list of groups:

Figure 12: Inventory Groups

End Result

At this point, we are working with our basic configuration of Ansible Tower. In Exercise 1.1, we will be solely focused on creating and running a job template so you can see Ansible Tower in action.

Workshop Details

Domain Red Hat Logo
Student ID

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