Lab 14 - Run Pipeline

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Verify Completed Pipeline

Before we kick off your pipeline, let’s verify it.

In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit YAML

Take a look and see if it matches the below text. If not, please correct it.

apiVersion: v1
kind: BuildConfig
    annotations: '[{"name": "jenkins", "namespace": "", "kind": "DeploymentConfig"}]'
      app: cicd-pipeline
      name: cicd-pipeline
    name: tasks-pipeline
      - type: GitHub
          secret: "secret101"
      - type: Generic
          secret: "secret101"
    runPolicy: Serial
      type: None
        - name: DEV_PROJECT
          value: dev-userYOUR#
        - name: STAGE_PROJECT
          value: stage-userYOUR#
        jenkinsfile: |-
          def version, mvnCmd = "mvn -s configuration/cicd-settings-nexus3.xml"

          pipeline {
            agent {
              label 'maven'
            stages {
              stage('Build App') {
                steps {
                  git branch: 'eap-7', url: 'http://gogs:3000/gogs/openshift-tasks.git'
                  script {
                      def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
                      version = pom.version
                  sh "${mvnCmd} install -DskipTests=true"
              stage('Test') {
                steps {
                  sh "${mvnCmd} test"
                  step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
              stage('Code Analysis') {
                steps {
                  script {
                    sh "${mvnCmd} sonar:sonar -DskipTests=true"
              stage('Archive App') {
                steps {
                  sh "${mvnCmd} deploy -DskipTests=true -P nexus3"
              stage('Create Image Builder') {
                when {
                  expression {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        return !openshift.selector("bc", "tasks").exists();
                steps {
                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        openshift.newBuild("--name=tasks", "--image-stream=jboss-eap70-openshift:1.5", "--binary=true")
              stage('Build Image') {
                steps {
                  sh "rm -rf oc-build && mkdir -p oc-build/deployments"
                  sh "cp target/openshift-tasks.war oc-build/deployments/ROOT.war"

                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        openshift.selector("bc", "tasks").startBuild("--from-dir=oc-build", "--wait=true")
              stage('Create DEV') {
                when {
                  expression {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        return !openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').exists()
                steps {
                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        def app = openshift.newApp("tasks:latest")

                        def dc = openshift.selector("dc", "tasks")
                        while (dc.object().spec.replicas != dc.object().status.availableReplicas) {
                            sleep 10
                        openshift.set("triggers", "dc/tasks", "--manual")
              stage('Deploy DEV') {
                steps {
                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
                        openshift.selector("dc", "tasks").rollout().latest();
              stage('Promote to STAGE?') {
                steps {
                  timeout(time:15, unit:'MINUTES') {
                      input message: "Promote to STAGE?", ok: "Promote"

                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.tag("${env.DEV_PROJECT}/tasks:latest", "${env.STAGE_PROJECT}/tasks:${version}")
              stage('Deploy STAGE') {
                steps {
                  script {
                    openshift.withCluster() {
                      openshift.withProject(env.STAGE_PROJECT) {
                        if (openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').exists()) {
                          openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').delete()
                          openshift.selector('svc', 'tasks').delete()
                          openshift.selector('route', 'tasks').delete()

      type: JenkinsPipeline

# Verify your user Dev and Stage projects

In your pipeline text file, make sure <user> reflects your user # and project.

  value: dev-userYOUR#
  value: stage-userYOUR#

# Import pipeline into OpenShift (if not created already)

If you created your pipeline in a text editor, you can import your text file in OpenShift.

At the top right select Add to Project > Import YAML / JSON

Copy and Paste your pipeline from your text editor to your

Click Create and Close

# Run Pipeline

Go to Builds > Pipeline

Click Start Pipeline for the pipeline you just created called tasks-pipeline.

Your pipeline should now execute through all the stages you created.

Go ahead and click View Log. This will take you to the Jenkins logs and you can follow the various stages in your pipeline.

When it asks to promote to stage, go ahead and promote it.

# Explore Pipeline Run - Explore the snapshots repository in Nexus and verify tasks is pushed to the repository - Explore SonarQube and show the metrics, stats, code coverage, etc - Explore Tasks - Dev project in OpenShift console and verify the application is deployed in the DEV environment - Explore Tasks - Stage project in OpenShift console and verify the application is deployed in the STAGE environment

Sonarqube metrics, stats, and code coverage can be seen such as this screenshot below.

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